
A small family-owned company in the heart of Los Angeles, we strive to create natural beauty products that will help everyone.  Great time and care have been devoted to making sure our products are made with safe and natural ingredients, but at the same time are also safe for Mother Earth and its animals.  Our products are bio-degradable, non-toxic and do not use any plastic packaging that will ultimately end up in landfills or the ocean.  We place our customers and Mother Earth first, over profits, and are working hard to improve our communities by giving back as our company grows. 

From Founder
It's the small gifts Mother Earth has given us that bring the most pleasure and peace. I want those small gifts to still be here for future generations.
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Our Story
A small company is born out of a need to make our world a cleaner and better place

The idea to start a soap making company started years ago when in search for a soap that would work with my skin type, had failed over and over.  All the over-the-counter soaps would leave my skin dry and itchy, so I decided I would research how actual soap was traditionally made and make it tailored to my skin type.  After many tries, I was finally successful and decided to make a soap business that would work hard to improve the quality of beauty products available to people, while at the same time improving local communities and global issues facing our generation today.  Issues like global warming, polluted soil and water, plastic garbage, employee exploitation, etc., I wanted to, in my small way, build a company that would work towards eliminating all these social issues instead of being part of the problem. 

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